MOCO – Simplify Business.
Business Wissen Case Studies Integrationen MOCO Philosophie TippsE-Rechnungen für B2B-Umsätze – neue Pflicht in Deutschland ab 2025.
2024-04-05 | In the EU, and thus in Germany, electronic invoices in the B2B sector will soon become mandatory. Germany will first require the receipt of...

Kundenwebsites erstellen: 3 Tipps für nachhaltigere Webentwicklung.
2024-03-28 | A guest post from our friends at mittwald Let's start with an unpleasant truth: Every website visit causes CO2 emissions. From...

Wissenswertes zur QR-Rechnung: Schweiz & Ausland
2023-10-04 | If you issue invoices across borders, you might wonder how QR invoicing works, which is a standard only in Switzerland. Here are the answers if you...

Pro-Tipps für Excel-Auswertungen.
2023-09-14 | Delete Columns or Rows To delete rows or columns, select them and press the CTRL key in combination with the minus sign. Auto Adjust Column Width...

Umstellung der MWST-Sätze 2024 und DSG ab September 2023.
2023-08-25 | New VAT Rates from January 1, 2024 Starting in 2024, new value-added tax rates will apply in Switzerland. For service providers, this means ...

Aufgabenplanung mit MOCO.
2022-10-08 | Are you looking for a simple way to plan tasks in the Weekly Meeting and want all employees to be able to access their tasks directly in time...

Agentursoftware – schlank, effizient und mit dem "Happy User Peak" als Ziel.
2022-07-11 | We are convinced of lean software. That's why Kathy Sierra's "Featuritis vs. Happy User Peak" curve inspires us daily in our work. She calls...

6 Tipps für eine stressfreie Ressourcenplanung im Projektbusiness.
2022-05-23 | Gantt charts, MS Project, Excel – many project managers still use these tools to plan their staff. However, these tools are not always capable of...

Case Study: MOCO optimal ergänzt – Tools, Slack Commands, Chatbots.
2022-04-05 | A contribution by Jörg Herbst, newcubator GmbH (22 employees, Dortmund & Hannover) As "software people," we automatically and regularly...

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Abschlagsrechnung Teilrechnung?
2021-12-13 | For new projects, you want to issue an invoice as soon as possible. Especially for longer-term projects, expenses are constantly incurred –...

We did it – Anleitung für dein DIY-NFC-Zeiterfassungs-Terminal.
2021-10-29 | A guest post on NFC time tracking by Gerd Beidernikl, vieconsult GmbH (20 employees, Vienna) In May 2021, my company, the management...

Das zeitgemässe Agenturleben: Mit dem Kunden auf Augenhöhe.
2021-08-26 | An optimal relationship between client and agency as contractor is based on mutual trust – the fundamental trust that the client will be able to...

E-Rechnung, XRechnung, ZUGFeRD.
2021-06-04 | With XRechnung, the public administration in Germany has established a new standard for electronic invoices (eInvoices). This became necessary...

Rechnungsnummer, Nummernkreise – Infos & Beispiele.
2020-07-23 | Legally, there are only a few requirements regarding the numbering of invoices: The invoice number must follow a system, be unique, and sequential....

Mehrwertsteuer-Senkung in Deutschland von Juli bis Dezember 2020 – so klappt's mit MOCO.
2020-06-11 | Last updated on August 21, 2020 The Tax Reduction from July to December 2020 To strengthen the demand for products within Germany, the Corona...

Was kostet mich ein Mitarbeiter? Den internen Stundensatz berechnen.
2020-05-14 | How profitable are my projects? What do I really get out of the offered hourly rate? Having a rough idea of these figures is important to avoid...

Pflichtangaben auf einer Rechnung.
2019-06-11 | Incorrectly issued invoices can lead not only to reissues and payment delays, but there is also the risk that you cannot reclaim the input tax from...

"Push the button" – Arbeitszeiterfassung made easy – mit MOCO & Flic.
2019-05-16 | A guest post by Oliver Ruhm , , Photos by Patricia Keckeis Time Tracking Made Casual The team at Zeughaus agency...

Cloud Software – 9 ausschlaggebende Punkte für Sicherheit & Datenschutz.
2019-02-25 | Cloud software is generally unbeatable in terms of price-performance ratio – and therefore particularly attractive for small and medium-sized...

Time Tracking Jira + MOCO – die Integration von Scolution.
2018-12-05 | Scolution has independently developed a plugin for Jira (Jira is a task management and collaboration software from Atlassian that is particularly...

Die Abschlags- und Schlussrechnung.
2018-09-13 | What is a progress invoice? How do you proceed? What needs to be considered? This article provides a compact overview of progress and final...

Angebot bestätigen – Auftrag bestätigen. Das ist der Unterschied.
2018-02-15 | The term order confirmation is often used incorrectly. This is because the terms proposal confirmation and order confirmation sound very similar...

Wie nutze ich die API als "Nicht-Programmierer"?
2017-08-24 | As a regular user, you might not think about whether a software has an open interface. However, this so-called API has many advantages. You don't...

12 Tipps für eine bessere Kommunikation in Agenturen – mit Slack.
2017-05-09 | It's a common issue. Those who specialize in communication often struggle with internal communication themselves. This is often due to company...

Standardsoftware oder Individualsoftware?
2017-02-08 | "Digitalization" is at the top of the agenda for most companies in 2017. Systems and applications for business processes have become indispensable....

Stornorechnung statt Gutschrift: Der richtige Weg bei einer fehlerhaften Rechnung.
2016-10-20 | If you want to revoke or correct an invoice, in the past this was done with a credit note. The correct approach today is the cancellation invoice....

7 Gründe, warum ein Sales Funnel für die Akquise unverzichtbar ist.
2016-08-23 | Sales, selling, or acquisition – in the end, it's all about winning new projects. But how can this be done most efficiently? Cold calling in the...

Erfolgreiches Projektmanagement, das Spass macht – mit Trello!
2016-08-10 | If you are a project manager and don't know Trello, you're missing out. Projects are organized here with boards, lists, and cards. The project...

Einheitliche Umsatzsteuer für Hauptleistung und Nebenleistung.
2016-03-18 | Generally speaking for service companies: It is rare for different tax rates to be applied simultaneously on an invoice. Typically, we refer to...

7 Tipps wie Sie eine webbasierte Agentursoftware erfolgreich einführen.
2016-03-12 | Introducing agency software is not something to be done on the side. It is important to schedule time for it and to involve the employees in the...

Slack – die kostenlose Kommunikationsplattform für Unternehmen.
2015-12-29 | Image source: Dynamic News Feed Open and private chats Direct video calls with screen sharing option Fast document exchange ...

Praxistipps für dich als Designer.
2015-09-28 | AGD – this is one of the largest designer associations in Europe. It brings together creatives from all disciplines. The team advises designers...

Warum weniger mehr ist – oder die Konzentration auf das Wesentliche.
2015-09-02 | The idea of 'Less is More' or 'Focusing on the Essentials' is not new. Especially in the fields of art and design, there is a value placed on...

Cloud Computing bzw. Cloud Services – Sicherheit und Vorteile für Unternehmen.
2015-07-15 | Many businesses wonder whether they should rely on cloud services for software proposals or prefer an in-house solution. They are uncertain about...