Data Import, Data Migration, Layout.
How to pragmatically start with existing data and CI yourself – or what alternative services are available:
Enter Existing Data Yourself
1. Companies & Contacts
Under "Companies" at the top right (1) import clients, suppliers, and other companies (Format: Excel). Private individuals who are clients or suppliers are officially categorized under the general term "Companies".
Under "Contacts" at the top right import (personal) contacts (Format: Excel).
Contacts are automatically assigned to companies if the company name exactly matches the contact.
Important Notes
The Excel data you want to import must match the linked template (2), To ensure the data is imported as intended, test import a file with a few data rows first, and then import the (possibly adjusted) file with all data.
2. Projects & Leads
Generally, it only makes sense to enter ongoing projects. To do this, retrospectively enter hours (more than 24 hours in a day is possible) and upload a timesheet up to date in the project as a file for reference. Alternatively, data can be imported via API. » API Interface.
3. Enter Individual Invoices Retroactively
To have all previous invoices of the current year also recorded as income in MOCO, you can roughly enter the invoices under the client or project.
For traceability, we recommend
- Name the invoice number after the original invoice (temporarily set number ranges to "manual" for this)
- Clearly indicate in the title that it is not the original invoice (e.g., "RETROACTIVELY ENTERED").
- Optionally, the original receipt can be uploaded as an attachment - it will be directly integrated into the document PDF.
So that payments also appear as income in the cash flow
All invoices of a month can be marked in the list under "Invoicing" and set to paid in the corresponding month via the bulk action at the bottom left. To prevent invoices from being marked as "overdue", set them to "ignored".
4. Only Show Income
If you start using MOCO in the middle of the year and want to visualize the income and expenditures (gross) for cash flow from previous months, you can enter the monthly amount in the respective section under "Payments" > "+" > "Payment without Invoice".
5. Import Data via API Interface
With programming knowledge, various data can also be imported independently via the API interface. » API Interface.
Data Import Service
Other Data – Cost Estimate
We offer data import from any other systems such as Spirit, Revolver, Troi, Rodeo, HQ, Harvest, Mite. The effort can be smaller or larger depending on the extent of the import requirements.
Generally, anything that could previously be exported from the other systems in table form (xls or csv) can be imported. It is important to carefully consider which data is absolutely necessary. Based on experience, costs range between 300.– and 1200.– and also significantly depend on the data quality.
For a more precise cost estimate, please specify which data should be imported and provide a brief excerpt (1 line or sample data is sufficient). Since this usually involves sensitive data, we offer the following procedure for these clarifications:
1. Upload the data in the account under /uploads and indicate in the comment field what should be imported or which questions are still open.
2. Inform us via the in-app service or the » Contact Form
3. We will get back to you after we have reviewed the data/info.
Customize Layout
In the settings under "Layout", there are numerous options for configuring a CI-compliant, uniform layout for proposals and invoices. Among others:
- Upload letterhead
- Use custom fonts
- Adjust margins, titles, info area, etc.
- Hide fields from MOCO and create custom fields
» To the configuration options
We can usually implement individual additional specific requests free of charge. It's best to send a screenshot via the in-app service and ask.
Layout Service
Fine-Tuning Session or Full Service
If the self-configurable options are not sufficient (see above "Layout Proposals & Invoices"), the following services are available, managed by our designer:
- Live fine-tuning session, where the requirements can be discussed, implemented, and assessed live.
- Implementation of a template/look-and-feel/CI (example PDF). The basic implementation is carried out as close as possible to the template. A joint live fine-tuning session efficiently completes the implementation. Based on experience, costs range between 200.– and 400.–.