Services | Hourly Rates | Internal Hourly Rates | Standard Additional Services / Articles | Catalog | Service CatalogServices
Under "Services", various aspects related to services can be predefined.
- Standard services for time tracking
- Hourly rates for the previously defined standard services (can be defined differently per customer)
- Internal hourly rates – Used for profitability or cost calculation.
- Additional services – Services that are independent of time tracking.
- Catalog – Individually configurable items for proposals and invoices.
Settings > Services > Services
Record all usual in-house services that you offer to the customer or on which you track time as standard services for time tracking. All marked with a star are automatically filled in when creating new projects or can be selected there. These standard services can also be accessed via the service catalog in proposals and invoices.

Hourly Rates
Settings > Services > Hourly Rates
This section allows you to predefine standard hourly rates for the client. These can be overridden for a specific client or project. If you add additional currencies to your account, you can also set the standard hourly rates in these currencies here.
This section allows you to predefine standard hourly rates for the client. These can be overridden for a specific client or project. If you add additional currencies to your account, you can also set the standard hourly rates in these currencies here.
Different Hourly Rates for a Client (Price List)
If a client's hourly rates differ from the standard rates, select "Edit" > "More Options" > "Different Hourly Rates for Client" under the client. A new tab "Hourly Rates" will appear, where you can define the variations (custom price list).
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Daily Rates
In MOCO, cost calculations are based on hours. However, you can create proposals with daily rates (predefinable via the catalog). When incorporated into a project, MOCO automatically converts these into hourly rates – and you can choose through a basic setting whether you want to generally convert hours into days for invoicing.
Internal Hourly Rates
Settings > Services > Internal Hourly Rates
The internal hourly rate indicates what the person costs the company approximately per hour. It can be managed per person and year in the "Internal Hourly Rates" tab. The recorded standard value is automatically stored for all newly added employees and is also used for proposal calculations (both adjustable).
MOCO automatically transfers the internal hourly rates from 2023 to 2024, if none are currently entered there. With the transfer link (1), you can manually transfer all rates from the previous year to the selected year if needed (see illustration).
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The internal hourly rate indicates what the person costs the company approximately per hour. It can be managed per person and year in the "Internal Hourly Rates" tab. The recorded standard value is automatically stored for all newly added employees and is also used for proposal calculations (both adjustable).
MOCO automatically transfers the internal hourly rates from 2023 to 2024, if none are currently entered there. With the transfer link (1), you can manually transfer all rates from the previous year to the selected year if needed (see illustration).

This is how you calculate the internal hourly rate
In addition to the following compact overview, you can find more detailed information and an example calculation in this article.
Calculation basis: Total costs ÷ 1,272 productive working hours
Total costs: Annual salary (including 13th month, assumed bonus, etc.), ancillary wage costs, other ancillary costs that increase per employee (administration, workplace costs, operating costs, office supplies, coffee & beverages). Working hours 1,272 (average value assuming 75% productivity at a 100% workload).
Standard Additional Services / Articles
Settings > Services > Additional Services
Here you can predefine standard additional services (e.g., third-party services, flat rates, percentage overheads, etc.). These can be
Here you can predefine standard additional services (e.g., third-party services, flat rates, percentage overheads, etc.). These can be
- Inserted into proposals and invoices through the service catalog
- Added under "Additional Services" in the project
- Used/inserted when compiling catalog entries

Settings > Services > Catalog
The catalog allows you to predefine arbitrarily long sections of a proposal or an invoice.
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Example applications:
The catalog allows you to predefine arbitrarily long sections of a proposal or an invoice.

Example applications:
- Complete sample proposals
- Blocks of positions
- Text descriptions
- Individual services
Creating and editing entries
- Copy and move via drag 'n drop
- In entries, you can reuse existing entries through the service catalog and also use the predefined standard services and standard additional services (2)
Tip: Create "proposal checklists" for various types of projects. If you create all the important positions for a project in one entry and later add them to a proposal, you can quickly go through and check which positions are needed or not needed. The huge advantage is that colleagues who are supposed to create proposals can no longer forget any positions in the proposal. Too often in practice, "trivialities" such as hosting are forgotten on the proposal.
Service Catalog
The service catalog summarizes all predefined items. You can directly access them in proposals and invoices (1).
Switch via the navigation (2) between predefined standard services, standard additional services, and free catalog entries (see above).
When creating a proposal for a client with different hourly rates stored, the stored hourly rates are automatically displayed when selecting the standard services.
Switch via the navigation (2) between predefined standard services, standard additional services, and free catalog entries (see above).
When creating a proposal for a client with different hourly rates stored, the stored hourly rates are automatically displayed when selecting the standard services.