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Bulk Invoicing: Choose Your Invoice Structure Now.
The bulk invoicing can now output in "Detailed" or "Compact" formats in addition to the previous monthly structure.
Bulk Invoicing
Previously, bulk invoicing was tied to the "Monthly" structure. Now, just like individual invoices, you can choose between "Detailed", "Monthly", and "Compact".
1. Set your preferred default structure in the settings under "Invoicing" (see illustration).
2. If needed, select an alternative structure directly when invoicing. For instance, if you want to invoice projects differently based on a specific label.

Technical Update
Invoices have been completely revamped technically in recent months.
This allows for more efficient future development. As a result, the invoice structure for bulk invoicing could be implemented without significant effort.
You probably didn't notice the technical updates, as nothing changed for you as a user while everything under the hood was brought up to date. If anyone discovered a bug, that might have been the cause. Thanks to everyone who helped fix undiscovered bugs.