MOCO + GetMyInvoices
Automatically collect Invoicing
GetMyInvoices automatically collects documents from various platforms. After transferring to MOCO, they can be assigned to projects and later passed on to accounting.

Central digital Invoice receipt MOCO
MOCO itself offers a central, digital invoice receipt with automatic reading. Expenses can also be recorded and Personal expenses reports can be submitted. Therefore, we recommend the integration as a supplement if you want to automatically collect invoices from many subscription portals.
More about invoice capture and accounting transfer
More about invoice capture and accounting transfer
Collect Invoicing with GMI
GetMyInvoices compiles invoices from various sources, such as customer portals (Telekom, Amazon & more), email mailboxes, shops, or invoice creation tools, and stores them centrally. Invoices can be reviewed, approved, and paid.
Since MOCO also records Personal expenses and offers features like OCR, email inbox, upload, it makes sense that all invoices are ultimately in MOCO and from there are collectively transferred to accounting.
Since MOCO also records Personal expenses and offers features like OCR, email inbox, upload, it makes sense that all invoices are ultimately in MOCO and from there are collectively transferred to accounting.
The ideal workflow with GMI
1. Transfer incoming invoices from GMI to MOCO via the integration
a) You capture your incoming invoices (apart from the collected subscription invoices via GMI) in MOCO.
b) You capture all incoming invoices in GMI and transfer them to MOCO via the connection.
2. You assign the items in MOCO for further invoicing/profitability calculation to the projects.
3. In MOCO, the incoming invoices are pre-accounted for accounting and, in addition to the outgoing invoices, are transferred directly to DATEV Unternehmen Online.
a) You capture your incoming invoices (apart from the collected subscription invoices via GMI) in MOCO.
b) You capture all incoming invoices in GMI and transfer them to MOCO via the connection.
2. You assign the items in MOCO for further invoicing/profitability calculation to the projects.
3. In MOCO, the incoming invoices are pre-accounted for accounting and, in addition to the outgoing invoices, are transferred directly to DATEV Unternehmen Online.
Set up connection
Further workflows with MOCO + GetMyInvoices
Invoices from MOCO collection
GetMyInvoices can also collect invoices from MOCO if all invoices are transferred to accounting via GMI.
Through the following ways, further individual workflows between MOCO and GMI can be realized:
Through the following ways, further individual workflows between MOCO and GMI can be realized: