MOCO + Personio
For advanced functionalities in the HR area.
For advanced functions in the HR area such as Recruiting, MOCO can be connected to the HR software Personio. This allows selected data to be automatically transferred and kept in sync in both systems.

Benefits of the Integration
Sync Absences
Absences are managed in Personio and transferred to MOCO
- Existing absences in MOCO are not deleted/overwritten.
- Absences are transferred to MOCO daily and marked with a comment.
- To prevent accidental incorrect entries, absence management in MOCO is disabled. This is indicated in the settings (under "Planning") and at the respective locations.
- "Not plannable" (purely informative absence e.g., when one shifts their day off – or compensates time) can still be used in MOCO.
- Overview of which Personio categories are mapped with which MOCO absences.
- Holidays currently cannot be transferred and must be entered in MOCO itself.
Sync Working Hours
Working hours are managed in MOCO and transferred to Personio
- Working hours are transmitted to Personio as approved presences.
- From the start date, a transfer takes place hourly if changes (including to past days) have occurred.
Control User-Matching
On the settings page, it can be checked if all users are actually synchronized: If the email address does not match in both systems (requirement), these individuals are listed there.
Setting up the Connection
Made by MOCO / Support: MOCO